Oh my goodness. What is going on in my house? Since I've last posted we have recovered from our food poisoning bout. But my older daughter was sick for 1 week straight with a head cold, I had an allergic reaction to an avocado, we held a piano recital in our home with 8 students and their family, started music rehearsals for the upcoming CD and I turned 39 years old and we attended numerous parties, worked full time, went to baseball games, 2 concerts and then our middle child woke up throwing up Wed night. Blogging must stand in line after God, husband, children, homeschooling, home, and everyone and everything else.
Because I did not create this blog to overwhelm others I need to focus. I created this blog as a blessing to others and myself. I would like to regain my focus and continue my focus on prayer. I was reading a book that talked about prayer and several aspects of prayer. You can find through earlier postings that I spent quite a bit of cyberspace writing about Adoration. I also wrote 31 characteristics of God and verses that pertain to those characteristics from MEMLOK. So I will look to further my writings on prayer this week end.
I just want to reiterate that prayer is not a laundry list of concerns or needs for God to answer. Prayer is about developing a relationship with God. It is not only talking to Him but waiting upon Him, resting in Him, thanking Him, praising and adoring Him. And what a season to concentrate on Him. When everything media is pulling our focus to spending, cooking, dressing, etc let us not forget to be with the One that makes all this possible. Before we spend another minute racing around and doing...take many minutes and be with your Lord and Creator. He is always there. He will never fail you.
1 comment:
Sounds like you're living life to the fullest, as a godly woman, wife, and mother.
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