Well the last 2 weeks have been full of excitement, activity and stars.
Right after Halloween my family and I went camping up at the Kern River. Our tent site is right on the river bank. Lauren caught 6 golden trout and I caught.....none, zippo, zilch, nada. But oh...the starts. They are a gorgeous blanket in the sky. Whenever nature would call in the middle of the night I could hardly go back to bed because of the thrill of those stars.
We returned home last Wednesday and on Friday left for a day outing at Six Flags Magic Mountain. They were having a homeschool day and we were allowed in the park at a greatly reduced rate. On the way there we noticed a vintage car on the freeway, glanced over and we saw Jay Leno, a star. He was just mozeying down the freeway in this very vintage car.
We had a great day and a great week end. I returned to the gym on Monday and thought I would be helpful and purchase some chicken from the corner japanese take out place. I have never eaten there before but enjoy the aroma each time I am at the gym. Lauren made a pot of rice and my husband, Lauren and I enjoyed our chicken and rice. About 6 hours later....Mike wakes up and spends 45 minutes in the bathroom. Lauren walks in about 20minutes later reporting nausea...it is now 4am. I told her she was going to throw up. She looked at me like I was a psychic. THen I told her Dad already started. A few minutes later she began the trail of tears herself. I of course held out a few hours later and then confirmed the diagnosis of food poisoning. We all saw stars as we were violently ill for a while.

The 2 younger children did not eat the chicken and did not become sick. Lauren saw more stars when she collapsed outside our bathroom from dehydration. Lauren has a wonderful friend "C" who came over 3 times that day to attend to us and take the wee ones to Taco Bell. Now we are recovered and it is time for our house to follow suit. Hopefully by tomorrow it will sparkle so much I will see even more stars.

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