If you are reading this then I finally got a post to go through!!!! I have done two very detailed posts only to discover they never went through-exhausting.
Well first an update on the family.

Mike-started taking Brazilian Jiu Jitsu at an academy that is 2 blocks away. He was very involved in it before but hasn't participated for about 5 years. He is so glad to be back. It was my Valentine's gift to him. We also went to two budgeting and financial management classes. Finally!!

Lisa- (Me) I am still down 20 pounds but have been thrown a few medical curve balls. I am trying to figure out how to incorporate my new parameters in a weight loss plan so I can continue to lose weight. I am still off of Regular Cola. My husband and I attended a Financial Stewardship class that lasted 6 hours. The lunch was provided and regular Coke was all that was there. I could have had water but really needed a bit of caffeine. My husband said ok and I did have some. It tasted so sweet and kind of yucky. I only drank 1/4 can and couldn't drink any more. Woo Hoo!!!
I also attended a wonderful Mother's conference with my cousin Michelle. We went to see Sally Clarkson. She is from Wholehearted ministries and she is awesome. I will share some of her words in future posts.
Lauren-Had a very difficult time 2 weeks ago. She broke out in hives all over her body. One on her waist was the size of a dinner platter. We had to take her to the ER twice in the same day as the medications were not effective for her. She had to have the emergency drugs the second time. She had a history of anaphylaxis so it was a very dangerous situation for her to be in. The good news is she had a bit of a miraculous recovery. She went off to Winter camp 4 days later and again this week end is in Mammoth with the church youth group.

Matthew- Matthew participated in the Pine Wood Derby through Cub Scouts last month. This month he was awarded 1st place. He got a really great trophy and is very thankful. He loves scouting and has a great leader.

Emily- Somehow got the neighbor's cat to fall in love with her. Now the cat won't stay away from our house. The neighbors gave up a few weeks ago and asked if we just wanted the cat. So now we have a new cat named Sophie. Unfortunately 3 members of our family are highly allergic to cats so Sophie is an outside cat during the day and stays in the garage at night. She seriously just lounges on our front porch all day and waits for us to get home. She is a gorgeous peach colored cat with light green eyes. She is really sweet and loves to be cuddled which Emily is more than happy to accomodate.
Emily also really took off in the reading department. She is really reading now and that is so exciting.
Oh! and as far as the house declutterization....I am still working in the Family Room. It was a huge undertaking and with 3 consecutive illnesses with each of the 3 kids I went a week or so with very little progress. It is really coming along though so stay tuned.
I will post some inspirational thought tomorrow. It is 1am and I have a headache so I really need to go to bed. I just wanted to get a post in. Sorry for all the technical problems.
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