I was sitting at my computer a few minutes ago and heard terrible screeching brakes and then the nerve shattering crash of two cars colliding. Two sets of people who didn't know they would so rudely meet today. I am praying they are not injured. I was thinking of the innocent car just toodling along life's highway when someone either chose not to obey the laws, was too distracted to drive carefully, or got so overwhelmed they drove out of control.
There are so many people like that today. We go about our days just trying to have a little peace when they pop up their heads and reek havoc with our lives. Some people are a disaster waiting to happen. They are on a collision course and seem so surprised when their lives unravel.
We are different. We have the Lord, the peace that goes beyond understanding, the light of Christ. We are not perfect by anymeans not even for a moment. Sometimes we can even be reckless and out of control but we have a Maker who knows our name. Nothing is beyond Him. Our days are numbered and He knows each hair on our heads. Do you know how many hairs you have....wait you just lost two...Now do the math again.
The difference is when these rude intersections in life happen we can take a deep breath, know that God has allowed this and press on in faith. We can even react well and be an example to others of the love of Christ.
There is a very famous book called In His Steps. It asks the intriguing question of "What would Jesus do?" This became a popular saying a few years back but when you really mull the question over, or better yet apply it to all you do and say, it will change your life. It puts things into perspective.
My children were tussling in the back seat this morning. They were both being very selfish and whining about something they both wanted. They started grabbing and pulling and I stopped them cold with What would Jesus do? They both laughed because their behavior was so outlandish...to imagine Jesus behaving so...
Ask yourself that question often. What would Jesus do with a rude cashier, disloyal friend, disobedient child or even more yourself when you flub up. Of course Jesus never sinned so you can't ask yourself what would Jesus do if He sinned. But What would Jesus do in the face of Your sin. More often than not by idea is He would hug me, Look me straight in the eye and say, "I made you better than that. We can do anything together you and Me."
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