Now that you have established God as your number one priority, let's look at your next priority. If married , your next priority should be your beloved husband.
You chose this man and he chose you. What a privilege. You stood before a minister/rabbi/justice of the peace and perhaps family and friends and vowed your commitment to each other. These vows are not based on you earning commitment, performing well, being healthy or being wealthy. You already pledged your commitment. The only thing you need to do now is to live out your life together.

God designed the family with the husband as the head, the wife as the help meet. "thy desire shall be unto thy husband and he shall rule over thee." "For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church. Therefore, as the church is subject unto Christ, so let the wives be to their own husbands in everything" He also instructed women to reverence their husbands and to submit to their husbands. "Ye wives, be in subjection to your own husbands." (Gen 3:16, Eph 5:23-24,33, Col 3:18, 1 Pet 3:1)
Consider your husbands wants and desires, likes and dislikes. Demonstrate your love for him daily. Speak to him in respectful tones with reverence. This is not based on him deserving love or respect; his performance. When you are employed, do you speak respectfully to your boss. Do you do what is required of your position? Your employment performance is based on your job description and your submission to your boss. Even if your boss is less qualified, less knowledgeable, less kind you are required to obey and be respectful. If your boss asks you to do something would you even consider saying 'No way! Can't you see I'm busy-that's dumb!" Yet I have heard wives speak the same easily to their husbands. Shouldn't we treat our husbands even better than we would a boss.

Our husband is our husband for life. The more you put into the relationship, the better the relationship will be. This is an investment in your future, his future and the future of your children. You are modeling the marriage relationship for your children and friends.
I do not agree with the common advice of marriage being 50-50. I believe the only way for marriage to thrive is to be 100-100. You give 100%. That's everything. At all times you are to do your best to encourage and bless your beloved husband.

Everyday try to spend a few minutes telling your husband how wonderful he is. If you are hard pressed to thing of anything to admire then 1) think back to when you fell in love and use those character traits to admire. 2) lower your judgments. If you can't find something to admire perhaps your glasses are dirty-look again.
Everyday try to do something special for your husband-a sweet note, special dish for dinner, new toothbrush. Something that shows that you thought and cared about your beloved today.
Your husband will shine with his new attention. He will, in return, act more lovingly and then your marriage will be richer and a lovely aroma to the world.

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