Matthew scored his first ever run in baseball. He walked to first and then because of his teammates hits and walks he ran to home. I think he even stole a base, which I understand is NOT against the 10 commandments. There is some kind of baseball exception. It was very exciting. Matthew took it all in stride but I know deep inside he was thrilled. His teammates all gave him a pat on the back. They are really great boys. I am so impressed with their commaraderie.
Anyway, speaking of the 10 commandments. Have you thought of them lately. Some are so obvious....so wrong. But some are so naturally done and even celebrated but still equally wrong. How many times do you hear Our precious Lord's name spoken in a flippant or even disrespectful way? Oh my g-o-d is said in children's movies, commercials....it's everywhere but we are getting so used to it sometimes I don't even notice. Our associate pastor noted a few weeks ago there is no other religious figure that people yell out. You don't hear people yell Oh my M*hammed! or Dhali H Lamma!!! It is our Creator G*D. G*D of the Universe. He deserves so much respect we cannot even fathom. His name should be spoken reverently. In ancient times they would only write out the consonants because they did not want to write His name out all the way. It was too sacred. That is where we get the name YHWH. They don't really know the vowels but have come up with YAHWEH.

Here for your review are the BIG TEN (not football)
1-Thou shalt have no other gods before me
2 Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image
3 Thou shalt not take the name of the Lotd, they God in vain.
4 Remember the sabbath day, to keep itholy.
5 Honor thy father and thy mother.
6 Thou shalt not kill
7 Thou shalt not commit adultery
8 Thou shalt not steal.
9 Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor
10 Thou shalt not covet.
It is surprising how many of these commandments are not taken seriously anymore. When was the last time someone told you they could not go out with you because they were keeping the sabbath holy? How many times to we hear or even encourage others to speak poorly of their parents. It seems as though we interpret this commandment as Honor thy father and thy mother...only if they deserve it. Most don't have trouble with killing and stealing-obvious wrongs ....for now. Bearing false witness or lying is still considered wrong but coveting? It is in all the commercials for new cars, cable TV, cell phones, fast food...just about everything. Go ahead and want what everyone else has. Never be satisfied. This is the message we hear day after day. It bears a re reading of the 10. Reexamine where you are. Where are you? Are you where you want to be? Are you where God wants you to be? If not you are just 2 steps away from freedom.....
Step 1-Confess to God. Tell Him what you are doing wrong.
2-Turn the other direction. High tail it away from your sin. Plan for purity. Ask God for help and do it in His strength. Ask Him hourly if needed. Even minute by minute. He is faithful to you and will always provide a way out, a way to obey.
I am so thankful to serve this Mighty God. May His name be praised!!!

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