Wow!! We have had some extreme weather in the past 24 hours. Last night my daughter Lauren, her friend C. and my son Matthew were driving home last night from the Angels game and it was like a washing machine. My poor Matthew said he had never been so scared in his life. Lauren had to watch half the lane and C. watched the other half as they tried to make it home. I watched as a red alert crawled on the bottom of the TV screen stating SEVERE THUNDERSTORM warning with possibility of tornadoes in Santa Monica. I tried to tell them to get home quickly but safely. They did arrive home safely around Midnight and proudly pronounced they had only skidded out on the freeway a few times (gulp).
I decided then and there they would not drive to San Diego as planned this morning as even more storms were predicted. Lauren does not have a lot of driving experience on the freeway and none in the rain. The last time it rained here was April 22nd! So I drove Lauren and C. to Oceanside to meet my Dad and his fiancee. They were to go to the San Diego Padres game tonight. I normally make the trip in 1 1/2 hours without using the short cut toll road. Today I took the short cut and it took 2 hours and 10 minutes. A few minutes after we arrived we went out on the back porch and noticed about 10 seperate funnel clouds that touched down. It was difficult to tell if it was over land or over water so water spouts or tornadoes either way they were in the direction of the freeway I needed to take home. Here is a picture I found on the internet of the clouds beginning.
The storm finally passed but I only had an hour to start working so .....I am still here in San Diego. An unplanned sleep over with my poor dear husband and kids at home in Los Angeles. Oh well. I will return in the morning. My husband sent me several videos of intense rain from our home. He said it was the heaviest ever in his life.
All this to say......Earlier this week at a Bible study we were discussing our fears in order that we can walk in faith that God is sovereign. Isn't it just like God to have us face raging storms so that we can test out our new determination to walk in peace and faith. Only last night (before all the rain) I was reading of an author Barbara Johnson who spoke of the day she received her diagnosis of brain cancer. Her doctor told her the next 24 hours would be the most difficult of her life as this new information set in. She laughed as her husband had been in a severe car accident and was in a coma for 2 years before a complete healing, a son had been killed in Vietnam, another son was killed in a drunk driving accident and she had been seperated from another son for over 10 years over a very personal situation. She laughed to think that that particular night should be very difficult in light of her previous tragedies. She laughed because she knew that God had her life in control. She laughed because she knew that God knew everything and despite what the doctor's determination was, God was greater still. She said she went to bed that night and slept peacefully in the knowledge, peace and faith of her Heavenly Father.
When we are faced with our fears, as simple as a storm or as complex as a relationship in ruins,or a devastating loss, can we rest in the knowledge that our Heavely Father is Sovereign and we are in the shelter of His wings? Yes! The real question is will we? God is lacking in nothing. He is perfect and holy. Stay tucked safely under the shadow of His wings. It does not mean that no tragedies will befall you but that when they do, you are exactly where you should be, with God, your Creator and Abba Father who loves you more that you can ever understand. Sleep in peace you precious Child of God.
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