I have a wonderful page of 100 descriptions of God. I have listed them as they came listed from MEMLOK the authors of this paper.
100 Descriptions of God
Use today’s date and finish these three sentences:
-I praise You today because You….
-The one I appreciate most about You today is…..
-I want others to see You as…..
1. Available Authority Accepting 16. Light Love Leader Lord
2. Author Afflicter Blessed 17. Lamb Loyal Mediator Miracle-Worker
3. Beginning Builder Caring 18. Messiah Merciful Omnipresent
4. Caller Creator Compassionate 19. Owner Omniscient Persevering
5. Chooser Comforter Counselor 20. Physician Patient Powerful Purifier
6. Close Director Discipler 21. Peace Planner Priest Purposeful
7. Deliverer Drawer Diligent 23. Redeemer Rewarder Reviver
9. Encouraging Father Finisher 24. Righteous Rich Refreshing
10. Faithful Forgiving Fisherman 25. Shield Sanctifier Servant
11. Giving Good Gentle Great 26. Sovereign Shepherd Sympathetic
12. Gracious Generous Glorious 27. Stronghold Truth Transformer
13. God Hope Humble Healer 28. Teacher Triumphant Trustworthy
14. Innocent Intercessor Judge 29. Understanding Unmockable
15. Justifier Keeper Kind King 30. Unchangeable Vine Warrior Wise
31. Way Wrathful Yearning
All above taken from MEMLOK www.memlock.com
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