These are excerpts from Life's Little Instruction book by H. Jackson Brown
Believe in Love
Never laugh at anyone's dreams
Overpay good babysitters
Never refuse jury duty. It is your civic responsibility, and you'll learn a lot
Accept a breath mint if someone offers you one.
Love deeply and passionately. You might get hurt, but it's the only way to live life completely
Open the car door for your wife and alwayus help her with her coat.

Discipline with a gentle hand.
When reconvening after a conference break, choose a chair in a different part of the room.
Read the ten books nominated each year for the ABBY award
Rake a big pile of leaves every fall and jump in it with someone you love.
Never drive while holding a hot cup of coffee between your legs
Carry Handi-Wipes in your glove comparment.

Have a professional photo of yourself made. Update it every three years.
Never miss an opportunity to ride a roller coaster
Never miss an opportunity to have someone rub your back
Never miss an opportunity to sleep on a screened-in porch.

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