My goodness did everyone give up on me??? I was converting my blogs over to this new Google mode and suddenly lost access to the blog. I could see it but could not post. So sorry.
Anyway, I am staying on track with not having Coke. As for my house diet....well I am right on track as well. We have completed the dining room. We got rid of 3 boxes of stuff, junk and trash. I am embarrassed to say I found a bib on top of the water dispenser! My youngest turns 7 in 2 months. Well I have had to give myself a lot of grace through this process. The family room is the only remaining room on the ground floor. I have been working on it for the last week but will need 1 week more. It is a really big room that we have been stuffing for years. It is a multipurpse room with no real designated areas so everything winds up here that has no home. My husband and I designated an office area, a homeschool area and a critter corner (for his frogs, scorpions and tarantulas). So now everything is emptied onto the couches we have in there. I am going through all the drawers. I have cried a lot over this room and have wanted to give up numerous times. My friends are really helping me emotionally on this. Thank you Kelly, Michelle and Robyn for your encouragement on this room.
In the past week we have moved the desks around and gotten rid of one. We have 3 remaining. We have designated an ebay, shipping area, a homeschool corner and will have the two couches for coziness and reading on. There are two bookshelves for school books and music books.
I went away for a mother's conference this week end. My cousin went with me and we had a wonderful, peaceful time. We went to hear Sally Clarkson speak. She is one of the founders of Whole Hearted Ministries. Her husband and her have written many wonderful books on homeschooling, motherhood, discipline. They have written devotions and their daughter Sarah has written a book called Journey to Faithfulness.
Sally is one of my favorite authors and speakers. She is encouraging, challenging and focused. She is also very real. She shares stories of how she and her family are not perfect but are covered by the grace of God.
She has a new book out called The Mom Walk. It is about Walking through Motherhood with Christ. The conference was based on this book and it was fabulous. Here is their website http://www.wholeheart.org/whmain.php
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