Master Bedroom Update.....
OK I haven't forgotten about it. It just took a while and diligence on my part. I finished it tonight. I completed the TV area and have a bookshelf where I placed all our videos and DVDs. I labeled all the videos. There is a white curtain I close over the bookcase. I placed two candles and 2 ceramic pieces on the TV. There is a red Capidamonte rose I inherited from my Grandmother and a sweet Precious Moments figurine. On top of the bookcase is a bunch of cherry blossom flowers and a toy Papillon (stuffed) from my husband. One bonus is I was clearing out under the TV unit and found a rented video that is 3 weeks over due. We have been looking everywhere for it. Apparently it got kicked deep under the unit. We would never had found it. Whew Hew!!!
My dresser drawers are still very tidy. I get a thrill everytime I open the drawer and see all my neat little piles..The top of the dresser is still fairly cleared off. I have put a little laundry to disperse to the rest of the house.
Next assignment is my bookshelf. I have a 6 shelf bookcase with a CD player, audio tapes, books, CDs and a plastic drawer organizer with 3 drawers. I need to tidy this all up. Ok where are you in your rooms? Just go around in a clock wise motion it will all get done eventually. Remember we are creating a restful haven for ourselves and our loved ones. A place to retreat to , relate in, be inspired in.
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