Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Pathway to Simplicity

We live in such a country of excess. We are very priviledged to live in America but really we have a lot of STUFF! We spend a lot of time taking care of our STUFF.

In my home I have been working for years to pare away my STUFF. There has been improvement but I think it is time to get serious.

Will you join me in getting rid of STUFF and keeping only things you love or need? Be brutal. The more you toss or give away the freer you are.

The first pathway to simplicity is your closet. This is where most of us start our day looking through endless clothes that are too small, too big???, out of style, not your style.........
Perhaps you just have too many T-shirts, pairs of shoes or pairs of jeans.

One idea from Anne Ortlund is to remove everything from your closet.
Set aside everything that does not fit right now.
Set aside everything you do not love or does not reflect your style.
Put that pile in a box or bag for give away.

Now set aside everything that is not appropriate for the season you are now in. We are in summer so put aside your sweaters, heavy jackets, and turtlenecks. If you live where the weather can turn on you then leave one or two jackets. You know what you really need.
Now take that pile of autumn / winter clothes and put it in a bin, box, bag and put it away. Far away. Label it so you know where to find it in 6 months. You may even want to put a sachet of lavendar or cinnamon so it stays fresh.

Now all that remains are clothes that fit, you love and are seasonal. Is your pile still too big?
This is where simplicity comes in. Start setting aside completed outfits. I have a lot of shirts and a lot of skirts. It wasn't until I started matching them up that I realized how many shirts I had that don't even match any of my skirts. Or I may have 3 shirts that match 1 skirt.
Put completed outfits together-A matching skirt and shirt, capris and blouse, jeans and shirt and so on. Now there are only 7 days in a week. How often do you do laundry. Let this be your guide as to how many outfits you really need. If you do laundry once a week and have a dress up job then you may need 9 full outfits and 4 casual outfits. I work from home so I need 8 casual outfits and 4 dressy outfits. I figure 1 dressy outfit for each Sunday of the month. I kept 3 pairs of shorts with shirt that matches. I do not need 8 nightgowns. 2 for summer and 2 for winter.

Now put all your outfits back in the closet. Anne Ortlund even suggests matching your outfit with the necklace, scarves, purse and shoes that you will wear with it and taking a photo of yourself. You can have a little flip album of your outfits. Then you don't need to rethink it every time.

Go through your shoes and get rid of ones that are uncomfortable, worn out or haven't been used in the last year.

Go through your undies and socks and get rid of any that are ripped, tired or holey. I do not toss the excessive undies or socks because they wear out so soon anyway.

Now that is it for the clothing part of your closet.
If you have chosen to join me in this challenge you can take the next step. Mrs Catherine has an idea that as we release our clutter we commit not to bring anymore into our homes. We take a pledge not to spend any money for 3 months. Food, gas, medical, cleaning do not count. Do not purchase books, knick knacks, stuffed animals, toys, devices of any kind. Are you bold enough? Come on down the pathway to simplicity. It's peaceful here.

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