photo from allposters.com
I have been absent from my blogging community for several months. Life can be very busy and I have my priorities straight. God-Husband-Children-Self-House-Community-Blog. Blog comes in 7th. Here's what we have been up to.
Mikey- We are gearing up to celebrate our 15th wedding anniversary this month. I am more in love with him than ever. He is a wonderful, amazing man and I am privileged to spend a lifetime with him.

ring from applesofgold.com
Lauren-Just finished her first year of college. She had several setbacks with her health but finished with straight vowels!

Matthew-Bridged from Cub Scouts to Boy Scouts. He joined a wonderful Troop through our church and they have welcomed him with open arms. Two weeks ago he finished his first ever sleep away camp. He attended a week long camp in Lake Arrowhead. We are thankful for the leaders and counselors that helped him through this difficult transistion. We are thankful for all the prayers of friends and family that literally got him through the week minute by minute. Matthew is braver, learned many new skills and appears taller.

Emily-Finished 3rd grade this year and is spending all her time doing "projects". She comes up with a lot of things to do and to organize. I never know what I will wake up to. She also enjoyed a week of VBS through our church and swim lessons.
We have also been painting all the kids rooms one by one and have completed the majority of the painting.
This week we have a visitor. Lauren's cousin from Kansas is visiting for 1 week while Lauren, Curtis and Ryan went to the XGames four days in a row.