Friday, January 26, 2007

My Turning Point

I first read the following story about 10 years ago. It compounded with a few other events that week and my life was completely changed. My Dad and I have talked about it and he can testify the kind of wife I was. My husband claims he doesn't remember me ever being like this. I have, in the past, prayed fervently that he would forget the way I treated him. I can only thank God for erasing his memory.

"A demanding wife continually nagged her husband to conform to her really high standards:"This is how you should act, this is how you should dress, this is what you should say, this is where you should be seen, and this is how you should plan your career!" She insisted every aspect of his life be honed to perfection. Feeling thoroughly whipped, the man finally said, "Why don't you just write it all down? Then you won't have to tell me these things all the time." She gladly complied.

A short time later the wife died. Within the course of a year, the man met another woman and married. His new life seemed to be a perpetual honeymoon. He could hardly believe his great joy, and relief he was experiencing with his new bride.

One day he came across the list of "do's and don'ts" his first wife has written. He read them and realized, to his amazement, he was following all the instructions - even though his second wife had never mentioned them.

He thought about what might have happened and finally said to a friend, "My former wife began her statements with, ' I hate it when....,' but my new wife says ' I love it when.'

I was the first wife. Earlier that week I had, indeed, written out 3 pages front and back for my husband telling him all his faults and weaknesses. I genuinely believed I had all the answers and thought I was helping my husband.

To read the above story shook me to my core. I was shaken and panicky but didn't know what to do. I told him I was sorry and I cried but still didn't know what to do with my new found information. A few days later I was listening to some tapes for a Bible study on weight loss. One of the tapes dealt with being a godly wife and mother. It gave a few verses on being your husband's helpmeet. It was a great start and an answer to prayer. I started to understand the type of wife that would bless her husband and encourage him. I still felt clueless on how to do this.

A few months later I went on a retreat with my church ladies. I was with a dear friend in the pool and this lady we had never met came up and started talking to us. It was very eerie because everything she was talking about were things we had just talked about. I had been talking to my friend about my habit of endless talking and I said that sometimes I just wish someone would walk up to me and tell me to shut up. A few minutes later this stranger swam up and said "Don't you just want to tell some people to zip it!!" My friend and I looked at each other in awe. Earlier my friend shared she liked to have "Tea time with Jesus" and this same stranger in the pool offered a tea party for us pool side. We said alright and she went up to her room to fetch her teapot. When she brought it down I was aghast as it was the same china pattern I grew up using. It is a very special pattern to me and I have started to collect it as an adult. So when this person started talking about a great book that revolutionized her marriage I was listening. It seemed as if God had lined everything up and now he had my attention! She introduced me to a book by Helen Andelin called Fascinating Womanhood. I was a bit skeptical but really felt this was all a God plan. So when I returned home I ordered the book and read it. It really was the missing part I needed. It gave me tools on how to encourage and bless my husband. I gained an understanding of him and how he wants to be treated. Now I am a teacher for Fascinating Womanhood and am blessed by teaching other well intentioned but confused women.

I am not a perfect wife and but I am a joy-filled wife. My marriage is so fulfilling and the cause of so much happiness in my life. I am so thankful for the very hard and humbling lessons I have learned and know without the grace of God I would have destroyed my husband and my marriage and probably would have blamed him in the end. I breaks my heart when I think of how I treated my precious love those first few years but I seriously did pray he would forget and that God would heal his heart. I am certain these prayers were answered because my husband looks at me with such love and treats me so well. His heart trusts in me and delights in me. I thank God every day for my husband.

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Commitment Update

OK, a few days late but I was moving my blog over to an updated Yahoo site. #1 I still have not had sugared soda or Coke

#2 Reading the Bible regularly

Plan-Yes, we pulled everything out of the downstairs bathroom and the homeschool closet. We completely decluttered. The bathroom didn't really need that much help. The closet was 5 shelves of "stuff". The floor of the closet we use for keeping our shoes. Now 1 shelf hold our dog leashes and bags, a box of fresh batteries and 2 flashlights. 2 shelves are empty!!!! I assigned one to each of my younger children to put their things away rather than leaving them laying around. The top two shelves are full of board games and puzzles. We made sure all games were playable. We have one box on a shelf for wandering game pieces. If you find a piece or dice, etc. You can put it in the box. If you are missing a piece then you know where to look.

So were are right on track with the house diet. We already started this week's assignments which were grueling. We have a closet that is super huge. It was packed to the gills. It is an L shaped closet that goes under our stairs. We must finish the closet and the living room before Sat to stay on schedule.
I will try to add more "after" pictures but my daughter has been out of town and just arrived home last night. She has the camera.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

The Way to be Rich

The Way to be Rich - Beth Moore
"My Mother believed to her dying day that it was a sad woman indeed who didn't have a young child somewhere in her life. She also felt there was no excuse for not having one. If you didn't have one handy, you could get one - in Sunday School, in a church nursery, a pintsize human who lives down the street - all the while, relieving a young mom and adding something worth more than a hill of beans to your life. She'd tell you that you could find a child almost anywhere you find a lot of life. But find one indeed. Because to her you would be a miserable soul if you lost touch with children. I am deeply indebted to my mother for teaching me that one way to be rich was to be rich in children. And, thank goodness, they don't all have to be your own."
Beth Moore from "Feathers in my Nest"

Saturday, January 13, 2007

Commitment Update

OK, Here is my check in.
-I have not had any Coke or sugared colas at all. Infact I am drinking a lot of water and Diet Rite and Pepsi One. I need caffeine and cannot have Nutrasweet so I need to stick with Splenda. I have lost 20 pounds since Jan 1st!
-I am reading the Bible regularly but still want to spend more time sitting at His feet. Mind you I pray a lot during the day but it is the sitting quietly and listening that I need to do more daily.

-We completed the entry area as planned. We decluttered the entry table insides and wiped down the walls and floor. Not so much to do but that is why I scheduled it first as I knew it would be a hectic week and I was right!

-It's 1:30 am and I would like to be asleep in 3 minutes so ta ta for now.

Sunday, January 07, 2007

My Heart is Kneeling

Lord, forgive me that I have so little time to spend on my knees. Raising children children and running a busy house. I have to do most of my praying "on the hoof, " as it were. But, Lord, You know my heart is kneeling.
-Ruth Bell Graham from Prayer's from a Mother's Heart

Update Bible Readings

Well in church today they passed out a January Book Marker with all the Bible Readings for January. It is similar to the one I have been following but will start to vary towards the end of the month. I would like to be following along with my congregation so I am posting a revised January Reading List


1 Genesis 1-2 Matthew 1
2Genesis 3-4 Matthew2
3Genesis 5-6 Matthew3
4Genesis 7-9 Matthew4
5Genesis 10-11 Matthew 5
6Genesis 12-14 Matthew 6
7Genesis 15-17 Matthew 7
8Genesis 18-19 Matthew 8
9Genesis 20-21 Matthew 9
10Genesis 22-23 Matthew 10
11Genesis 24 Matthew 11
12Genesis 25-26 Matthew 12
13Genesis 27-28 Matthew13
14Genesis 29-30 Matthew 14
15Genesis 31 Matthew 15
16Genesis 32-33 Matthew 16
17Genesis 34-35 Matthew 17
18Genesis 36-37 Matthew 18
19Genesis 38-40 Matthew 19
20Genesis 41 Matthew 20
21Genesis 42-43 Matthew 21
22Genesis 44-45 Matthew 22
23Genesis 46-47 Matthew 23
24Genesis 48-50 Matthew 24
25 Exodus 1-3 Matthew 25
26Exodus 4-5 Matthew26
27Exodus 6-8 Matthew 27
28Exodus 9-10 Matthew 28
29 Exodus 11-13 Acts 1
30 Exodus 14-15 Acts 2
31 Exodus 16-17 Acts 3

Saturday, January 06, 2007

Made with Love

This is an excert from "The Applause of Heaven" by Max Lucado

"In my closet hangs a sweater that I seldom wear. It is too small. The sleeves are too short, the shoulders too tight. Some of the buttons are missing, and the thread is frazzled. I should throw that sweater away. I have no use for it. I'll never wear it again. Logic says I should clear out the space and get rid of the sweater.
That's what logic says.
But love won't let me.
Something unique about that sweater makes me keep it. What is unusual about it? For one thing, it has no label. Nowhere on the garment will you find a tag that reads "Made in Taiwan"...It isn't the product of a nameless employee earning a living. It's the creation of a devoted mother expressing her love.
That sweater is unique. One of a kind. It can't be replaced. Each strand was chosen with care. Each thread was selected with affection.
It is valuable not because of its function, but because of its maker. "

Let your father and your mother be glad, and let her who bore you rejoice. Proverbs 23:25

commitment update

So far so good. I have lost 15 pounds. I actually started a diet yesterday and am enjoying some really healthy foods.

I have not had a Coke but ooohhhh how I want one. That to me is really a sign of how badly addicted.

I have been reading the Bible regularly and it has been so sweet. I read the Old Testament on my own from the New Living Testament. I read the New Testement to the children and I read the Psalms and Proverbs to my husband. This has quickly become a cherished time for me and I hope for them.

We started the Entry today but didn't really have to do much. The tree got taken down and we need to deChristmas the entry table. Since we already went through this area there is not much to do but I will take this week to deep clean the baseboards etc.