Are you racing around, frantic, hectic and missing your calling? Are you right where God will have you? There is no better place to be than in God's hand. It doesn't have to make sense but when He tells you GO! then go! I have been thinking about this for a few different reasons. The New Year, a few testimonies I have heard recently and a book I am reading. I also turned 38 this month and have been reviewing my life.

I am really happy. I am not perfect. I married the right man for me. He is gentle, understanding, funny, fantastic and for some reason head over heels in love with me. I am thrilled to be his wife.

I am doing the job God has asked me to do. I want to quit and not have the demands of a 40 hour work week but I do work from home and I am good at what I do.

I am blessed to have 3 healthy children. I am thankful for homeschooling. It seems like a big clan from this only child to go from a small home to one with 5 people. I enjoy all the children coming through our home.

I love teaching piano and consider this a ministry not a job. This year I prayed about continuing or not and left it up to God. I went from 4 students to 11 in one week! I had to turn students down for the first time ever.

My home is still cluttered but improving.

My spritual life is weaker than I would like. My faith is strong but I tend to skip my devotional time, quiet time with God. I will talk all day to Him and with Him but as far as sitting at His feet, I really struggle with carving that time out for Him.

My health: I am very overweight and do not eat healthfully. I drink too much Coke and am really addicted to it. I have recently read about not allowing anything to master me and feel convicted about my cola drinking.

I feel I am using my talents / giftings to God's glory. I have been able to minister to people through singing and am still hoping for financing for my CD entitled Be Still.
With all this I want to make 2 commitments and 1 plan.

Commitment #1 No cola for 1 year.

Commitment #2 Read through the Bible in one year. I have a 3 readings per day plan for reading and will share the New Testament with the children, The middle reading which is Psalms, Proverbs etc with Mike and do the Old Testament on my own. I will also have a bask at His feet time each day no matter what.

Plan #1 I want to go into turbo drive as far as decluttering my home. I will go on a weekly plan for our home.
Week 1-Entry-still looking good but we just removed the Christmas tree and everything needs to be cleaned and replaced from the holidays.
Week 2 Downstairs bath and homeschool closet
Week 3 Downstairs closet and Living Room
Week 4 Dining Room
Week 5 Family Room
Week 6 Landing and Linen Closet / hallway
Week 7 Lauren's Room
Week 8 Kids room
Week 9 Kid's bathroom
Week 10 Master bedroom
Week 11 Master bathroom
Week 12 Perimeter of house
I am not doing the laundry room or the kitchen as these are already done and still are great!
Week 1 will begin January 6th as we are returning from Washington the night of the 3rd and need time to unpack. I will try to post before and after photos but my daughter does the pictures and I don't want to uphold the progress waiting for pictures.